10 Free Acts of Kindness
November 13, 2013, BY Emma Craig

When we are children, many of our parents tell us to treat others the way we want to be treated. It’s a great concept for those that believe in karma, as well as those who just want to spread positivity in hopes that it will spread. With all the negative things going on in the world today, it’s refreshing to see others doing good through charity and other good deeds. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford to adopt a child, pet, or donate to a big organization. Here are a few low cost and free acts of kindness that we can perform to make someone’s day a little brighter.
1. Lend an ear
Not everyone needs your cash to solve their problems. Sometimes others just need someone to listen to personal issues they may be having. You may not be an expert at giving advice, which is okay, because often times, knowing that someone cares outweighs that problem.
2. Volunteer
Visit a local hospital, elderly home, or school to ask if they need volunteers. I painted the nails of the elderly at a hospital some years ago, and it was very rewarding. I listened to their stories, while beautifying them! Since you’re donating your time, the only cost you’ll have is transportation.
3. Greet Someone
I remember when I was young, that my aunt would firmly shout “good morning” to everyone in the shop when we went to get meat. I used to think she was a bit crazy, and was slightly embarrassed. Thinking back, I realize that the joy she spread from that one simple action definitely caught on. People were starting conversations with her, sometimes she’d even get a discount on her purchases! I’m not saying to scream “Hello” every time you enter a room, but don’t be reluctant to greet someone that you meet in an elevator, at a bus stop, or in line.
4. Confess Your Love
Tell someone you love that you love them. Sounds simple enough, right? Actually, we can go years without saying “I love you” to someone that we see every single day. It’s often said that we show our love through our actions, and that we don’t necessarily NEED to say it. But think about how surprised and appreciative the person will be when you catch them off guard in the most loving way!
5. Make a Simple Phone Call
Make a simple phone call to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. In this day adn age, we can have access to someone via social networking sites. We may think we know what’s going on in their lives because of posted updates, but do we ever really know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes? I’m sure you’ve had things happen in your life that you chose not to tell the internet world. In those cases, a phone call would serve great purpose. Give someone a call just to check up on them, and let them know they were on your mind. I got one of these recently and it really made me smile. I felt loved.
6. Pay a Compliment
This works for friends, family, and strangers as well. If you like someone’s clothing, hair, or nails, let them know. It’s takes seconds to do, it’s free, adn it’s a great way to make someone feel good about themselves. Many of us are too used to getting criticized, that compliments end u being a rare thing.
7. Manual Labour
Offer to clean someone’s home, mow their lawn, shovel their driveway or take out their garbage. These chores won’t take up too much of your time, and would really make someone’s day. I know if someone offered to mow my lawn, I’d be greateful to them forever!
8. Donate Items Your Don’t Need
Go through your closet, pantry or locker room for items you don’t want/need. Chose a local charity to donate to, and you’re good to go. Some organizations give out receipts so that you can
claim it on your taxes.
9. Donate Blood
If you’re not a fan of needles, this might make you squirm. I must mention however, that the end result would be that you could help save someone’s life.
10. Surprise Someone With Food
Bake a batch of treats for coworkers or neighbors. We all love surprises, and what better way to do it than with a savory treat? If you want to turn this into a fun project, check our website for
free recipes, and try something new. Not only would you be learning something new and sharing with someone else, but a good conversation starter would be that you were trying out a new recipe and wanted to share it!
See a list of Canada’s major 100 charities
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